ADINE (The National Association for Tyre Distributors and Importers) with the collaboration of the National Office for Environmental Protection for SEPRONA of the Guardia Civil joined together in Murcia to discuss the control and the management of out of use tyres.
Meeting in Murcia Looking to Further Collaboration of Tyre Management Protocols
This meeting, which was held on the 15th of March, took place in the offices of the Guardia Civil’s command headquarters in the region of Murcia was an opportunity for the attendees to talk between themselves as well as with the SEPRONA officers in the provinces of Murcia and Alicante.
The aforementioned meeting was part of the constant cooperation and collaboration that both entities have been carrying out jointly over the past few months. The objective in mind with this collaborative work has been to adopt and implement measures and actions that improve efficiency in the fight against these developed illicit activities related specifically to fraud in the tyre sector.
As the meeting developed, some of the most widely held assumptions that are held in the tyre sector were discussed. This included topics such as the importing of both new and used tyres by companies that don’t comply with the established legal obligations in the responsibility of the producer, improper tyre waste management and the illegal commercialisation of out of use tyres without any type of control. It was even stressed that some of these assumptions could be classified as an environmental crime according to the penal code.
Overall though, the meeting was very positive with ADINE as well as the officers that attended conjointly agreed that a collaborative action would be necessary to resolve the existing difficulties in the tyre sector.