Argentina has, until now, only has a single tyre retreading plant operating in the whole country. The Buenos Aires plant was unique. However, a second plant is to be opened in the interior of the country at Luján, Mendoza and operated by Argentinian firm M Ingeniería.
Capacity Expected to Exceed 4000 – 5000 Tyres Tonnes Per Annum
Tyres will be collected by local authorities who will feed the stock to the plant. The end market is expected to be rubberised asphalt and fuel for cement kilns.
Another plant in San Juan, with a capacity three times larger than that of Mendoza, will be opened in the middle of next year to treat mining tyres.
The development of the plant comes partly as the result of a new local Bill being introduced by lawmakers of Mendoza Mariana Caroglio and Jorge Tevez. “There are no rules to regulate this type of waste, which is potentially dangerous” and a law is proposed to protect them and reuse them in squares and schools.”