The Indian Automotive Tyre Manufacturers’ Association ( ATMA ) is working with government bodies to implement EPR regulations for the disposal of these imported tyres
According to a report in the Peoples’ Network, India is facing a significant environmental challenge posed by the surge of waste tyre imports from developed countries. The Chairman of the Automotive Tyre Manufacturers’ Association ( ATMA ), Anshuman Singhania, raised concerns over the staggering statistic that India imported around 8.8 lakh million tonnes [sic] of scrapped tyres between April and November 2023 –These tyres, originate predominantly from the United Kingdom, West Asia, and Europe, and are burnt or retreaded and resold in the aftermarket—a practice that poses both environmental and safety hazards, according to ATMA.
According to Singhania, 10-15 per cent of these imported tyres find their way into the replacement market, particularly in the taxi sector, posing significant safety risks. The majority, however, meet a different fate—they are burnt for pyrolysis, a process that, if not executed to Standard Operating Practice, is detrimental to the environment. The practice has recently come under scrutiny of the Central Pollution Control Board, with a number of pyrolysis plants being closed across India.
Recognising the gravity of the situation, ATMA is joining forces with the Central Pollution Control Board and the Ministry of Environment, Forest and Climate Change to implement new regulations designed to make disposal units more environmentally friendly. Singhania proposed that tyres be cut into pieces prior to import, a move which would effectively prevent their use in the replacement market.
Prashanth Doreswamy, President and Country Head of Continental (Tires) India, echoed Singhania’s concerns and also backed the drive for implementing regulations. Such measures would not only curb the import of waste tyres but also shield the environment from the detrimental effects of their disposal.
Source: Peoples Network