Oman Environmental Services Holding Company (Be’ah) is inviting proposals for suitably recycling the massive quantities of waste tyres stockpiled at key locations around the Sultanate, according to local media sources.
Oman Tackling Recycling with Be’ah
Around 45,000 tonnes of ‘end-of-life’ (ELT) tyres are generated every year in the Sultanate — a figure that is projected to rise in line with population growth and urbanisation.
The lack of proper recycling facilities means that these tyres are accumulating at two municipal dumps. The biggest is in Dhofar Governorate where several million waste tyres are currently being amassed.
A tender planned to be floated next month will seek to elicit proposals from the private sector on innovative ways of maximising the recovery of commercially valuable ingredients from the waste tyres.
The scope and objectives of the tender will be discussed at a workshop targeted at interested companies during the week beginning 16th January.