The Leading Journal for the Tyre Recycling Sector

The Leading Journal for the Tyre Recycling Sector

Carlton Forest Steps Ahead in the UK with Pyrolysis Technology

Pyrolysis is coming of age as a process for the treatment of waste. The recent RWM event at the NEC saw some 13 or pyrolysis operations presenting at the show. Some in production, some at pilot plant stage and some little more than theoretical.

New Pyrolysis Development in the UK Focuses on Tyres

Nottingham-based logistics operation Carlton Forest Group, has now ventured into the energy arena with its own project. The Group has recently revealed an Advanced Conversion Technology system in the UK for the first time.

Carlton Forest Group, which owns IRR Manufacturing– a South African company that manufactures the systems to process end of life materials from which energy and bi-products can be generated – is now proud to offer the technology to other companies in the UK who can reap the benefits of generating their own energy and tick their sustainability boxes.

“This technology has the ability to revolutionise the way in which end of life tyres are dealt with in the UK and shows how this can be done responsibly both for the environment, energy generation and waste disposal,” said Graham White Group Commercial Manager Carlton Forest. “We believe that this is the first plant of its type in the UK and that it is the most effective solution in the UK to deal with tyres responsibly.”

The plant utilises end of life tyres to produce a fuel oil for power generation and a high-grade carbon char, which after further processing will see the creation of recovered carbon black (rCB).

The systems are principally designed to process end of life tyres, wood and plastics and create further meaningful and valuable products that support a wide range of industries including pyrolysis oil, recovered carbon black, Bio-char and a bituminous additive.

“Our research into sourcing an Advanced Conversion Technology system, that would support our own energy demands and allow us to be sustainable, has seen us diversify into this exciting new phase in tyre recycling, energy generation and responsible waste disposal,” said White. “In the near future, we will be the first logistics business to go ‘off-grid’ in the UK and such benefits could be enjoyed by so many other businesses by investing in this responsible technology.”