Consultation on EPR in India sees a backtrack on baled tyre imports
India Softens EPR Stance
As reported in Tyre and Rubber Recycling, India is intending to introduce an EPR scheme for tyres this year. The consultation document was issued in January, and already there have been easements to the scheme.
In a letter from the Ministry of Environment, Forest, and Climate Change to the All India Rubber & Tyre Recyclers Association (AIRTIA and the Recycling & Environment Industry Association of India (REIAI), the ministry advised on the following easement.
“The Technical Review Committee had a deliberation in its 71st meeting held on 4th February 2022. TRC deliberated upon the issue and recommended that the condition: “Only multiple Cut (3 or more cut) Truck and Bus Radial tyres in presses and baled form shall be allowed”, which is stipulated in the permission letter being issued by the Ministry at present, be amended as, “Truck, Bus, and other Radial tyres, either in multiple cut or in Pressed & Baled form shall be allowed”. This liberalised policy will only be available for units having a track record of at least three years and would (remain) as earlier for other units.”
This, of course, relieves pressure on the recycling sector in India, and doubtless, governments and EPR schemes around the world will breathe a sigh of relief as they can continue to dispose of tyres to India, much as before.
The buck on dealing with waste tyre exports gets passed back to the exporting nations, where, as we can see in the next issue of Tyre & Rubber Recycling, not everyone in the tyre recycling community is happy with the status quo.