Green Wizard Tire Recyclers, a Tampa–based operation is being chased by Florida’s Department of Environmental Protection for illegally running a tyre recycling business.
Serious Charges Laid Against Green Wizard Tyre Recyclers
Green Wizard Tire Recyclers LLC is run by Warren Donald Friton and Edward “Ed” Beauchaine.
According to the DEP, Green Wizard Tire Recyclers never operated fully within the law.
In 2013, when it discovered that the tyre-recycling business was running illegally, the DEP ordered Green Wizard to stop accepting tyres until it obtained a permit. The company applied for and received a permit in 2014, but could not resume operations until it submitted an approved certification of construction completion requirements.
The company failed to submit the document, but continued to operate.
A September 2015 inspection found Green Wizard had 487,000 tyres in storage, much more than the permitted maximum. The company had been storing loose tyres outside rather than in containers, as required by law. Other violations include height and width limits for the piles of tyres and inadequate fire lanes.
The DEP revoked Green Wizard’s permit formally in June 2016, ordering the company to begin removing its tyre collection and assessing USD 9,000 in fines.
In a lawsuit filed in March 2017, the DEP argues that Green Wizard never acknowledged the revocation, did not remove all its tyres and related solid waste, and never paid the fines.