TRAC will be holding its Tire and Rubber Summit on the 19th and 2oth June at King City, Ontario.
TRAC Looking Forward to Another Edition
“The precursor of our Tire & Rubber Summit dates back more than 30 years, and its core value remains constant to this day: as a networking aggregator, bringing together C-level executives of the tyre and rubber industry to collaborate, reveal latest trends and address key issues and developments affecting the global tyre industry, with a spotlight on Canada,” the organisation said in preparation for the big event.
In the Tire & Rubber Summit, TRAC explores the rubber industry’s economic aspects, technology, innovation and regulation. All the expertise put forth at the event comes from executives in rubber companies, non-tyre manufacturers, rubber compounders, suppliers, auxiliary businesses, and regulators who together will discuss rubber industry issues from a uniquely Canadian perspective.
Summit 2017: Trump, Trade, and Tension
There is no escaping it—the anxiety, the uncertainty, the seeming powerlessness of it all. The pace of change is breathtaking with global dynamics playing out in front of our eyes, with manufacturing right in the middle of it all.
Canadian rubber manufacturers and suppliers face profound challenges brought on by global economic and political changes and, as the NAFTA (North American Free Trade Agreement) comes under fire, we are inundated with trade agreements between Canada and the E.U., and potential agreements with South America (Mercosur) and a seeming fast-paced pivot to China, with others coming on soon.
And as Canada and the U.S. work on renegotiating the NAFTA, the U.S. is raising prospects of a border tax on automotive products, and disregarding how deeply integrated is the automotive industry across North America, causing a major concern for the automotive industry, a principal industry for tyre and rubber manufacturers.
This year’s Tire & Rubber Summit comes at a critical time and may be the perfect antidote to make sense of it all with learned colleagues and expert panelists to discuss the major issues and challenges affecting our businesses, our market may give delegates some insight into the challenges of the Canadian and North American markets.