Ecolomondo, the Canadian tyre processor, has been making steady progress with its Thermal Decomposition technology
Ecolomondo Corporation has announced that it has performed another production cycle with a full reactor payload with its second reactor, continuing steadily on the path towards commercial operations of its Hawkesbury TDP facility.
The Hawkesbury TDP facility started commercial testing of its reactors in January 2023 and gradually increased reactor payloads to the optimal level of 15,000 lbs per production cycle. The technical teams continuously worked on corrective improvements to ensure safety and achieve optimal efficiency.
The Company recently announced a successful production cycle with Reactor 1 of 15,000 lbs, and on June 23, 2023, the Company completed another production cycle with a similar payload using Reactor 2.
This production cycle using Reactor 2 was also achieved with great success and within the timeline planned for the commercial operations. The improvements executed by the technical teams and the testing performed since January 2023 confirm the robust nature of the reactors and the efficiency of Ecolomondo’s proprietary TDP technology.
This important step should allow the Company to increase the frequency of production cycles, gradually ramping up to full production.
Larger batch volumes have brought to light certain deficiencies in the load and unloading equipment supplied to Ecolomondo by one of its suppliers. Corrective measures are currently under way, and the Company reports that it has already made considerable progress in both areas.
While management is very optimistic about its ramp-up testing results so far, it cautions that further ramp-up testing may bring to light other issues that may require adjustments.